Empire Ranch Foundation

Search Results for: American Phone Number 1800-299-7264 Customer Service

  • Vail, Hislop, and Harvey 1877-1878

    …brand and earmark them. From what I see riding round now, there are a good number. Our band of horses consists of 20 brood mares and 16 horse and mule colts, yearlings, and 9 saddle horses at present. Only 4 this year’s colts but expect to have about 16 to 20 making close on 50 head of horse stock.” Sheep herding on Santa Rosa Island, 1900s. Photo taken by Edward L. Vail. ERF archives: A530-571a Pesky Neighbors – May 1877 Later in May Hislop wrote…

  • Boice Family Ranching History, 1859-1928

    …n Carlos Ended – 1924 In 1924 the Boice’s were notified by the U.S. Indian Service that their grazing lease on the San Carlos and Apache Indian Reservations would not be renewed. The warning signs of changes to come were present a few years earlier. In 1922 Henry G. Boice traveled to Washington, D.C. “… for the purpose of securing readjustments of grazing licenses of Arizona cattlemen grazing their herds on the San. Carlos Indian reservation. Diff…

  • Anamax Ownership, 1975-1988

    …eaches geology at the University of Arizona and runs an outside consulting service, is evaluating the Anamax test wells. They are drilled to bedrock, then pumped down for 24 hours. Hydrologists study drawdown, well recovery and the effect on other wells, including wells on other ranches. Stott said, ‘Our testing so far has indicated that we’ve got enough water on the ranch so extraction of water for our mining activity won’t take most or all of it…

  • Empire Ranch is Purchased and the Hard Work Begins (August-December 1876)

    …horses and mules have been stolen by Apaches, from the people, and quite a number of cattle killed. The Apaches kill a beef when they are in want of beef, and take what they need at the time and let the balance remain to spoil or be eaten by wild beasts. The settlers to the number of twenty-five, recently followed the trail of the stock and thieves, thinking first it might lead to San Carlos, but it led directly to New Mexico, and they followed it…

  • History Overview

    …. The Ranch House became an extended complex with more than 22-rooms and a number of outbuildings and structures were added. Their original flat earthern roofs were later replaced with wooden gable roofs. Click here to learn more about the Empire Ranch buildings and structures. In 1896, in order to turn his attention more fully to growing corporate holdings in California. Walter Vail moved his family to Los Angeles and established his corporate he…

  • History Chronology

    …tween 1970 and 1988. In 1969 Boice & Company sold the Empire Ranch to Gulf American Corporation (GAC) which planned to build a housing development on the land. Boice & Co. retained a grazing lease with GAC so Pancho Boice continued to live at the Empire Ranch. In 1975 GAC sold the Empire Ranch to Anamax Mining Company and discontinued the grazing lease with Boice & Co. Rancher John Donaldson assumed the grazing lease with Anamax. In 1988 the Burea…

  • Reading List

    …rrison and Paul Niedenger, Volume 1, December 1992, revised 2020. Historic American Landscape Survey: Empire Ranch. Washington, DC, National Park Survey, 2016. HALS AZ-19. History of the Empire Ranch by Gregory Paul Dowell. Master’s Thesis, University of Arizona, 1978. Posted with permission of Gregory Paul Dowell. Journal of a Special Place from Ranch Land to Public Preserve text by Jan Barstad, photographs by Jerry Sieve. Arizona Highways Septem…

  • Newsletter Articles – Topic Index

    …04, p. 2 Board of Directors Election Report, Feb 2003, p. 2 Administrative Services News, Feb 2003, p. 2 Board of Directors Election Report, Feb 2002, p. 2 New Skills for Empire Ranch Foundation Success, Nov 2001, p.2 Meet the Directors, May 2001, p. 2 Board of Directors Election Report, Feb 2001, p. 2 Introducing the Empire Ranch Foundation Board of Directors, June 2000, p. 7 Financial Reports Financial Summary, FY23, March 2024, p. 3 Financial S…

  • Volunteer Day

    …02 May Volunteer Day 05/02/2020 – 05/03/2020 8:00 am – 12:00 pm Empire Ranch Visitor Contact Center Empire Ranch Volunteer Workday. 8 am to noon. Please register in advance by phone (888) 364-2829, or email admin@empireranchfoundation.org.–Cancelled…

  • Volunteer Day

    …06 Jun Volunteer Day 06/06/2020 – 06/07/2020 8:00 am – 12:00 pm Empire Ranch Visitor Contact Center Empire Ranch Volunteer Workday. 8 am to noon. Please register in advance by phone (888) 364-2829, or email admin@empireranchfoundation.org. Cancelled…