Empire Ranch Foundation

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  • Vail & Gates, 1888-1909

    …son. Our cattle were still steers: there were over 900 in the bunch and as most of the big ones had been gathered in the mountains, they were very wild and none of them had been handled on the trail before. The part of the desert where we made camp was covered with chollas, a cactus that has more thorns per square inch than anything that grows in Arizona. Cowboys say that if you ride close to a cholla, it will reach out and grab you or your horse,…

  • The Search for the Right Ranch (July 14-August 22, 1876)

    …ranch as it belongs to a Mr. Fish, it is quite a pretty place it consists mostly of rolling hills which reminds me very much of the Iowa prairie. I had “Oh” such a nice dream about you Sunday night, I thought you and I where taking a walk through our old place in Plainfield and I thought that it seemed and looked to me just as it did when we lived there thirteen years ago, the trees the house and the grounds where just the same as they used to be…

  • The Partners Meet and Prepare to Travel to Arizona (June-July 4, 1876)

    …ng which came pretty close to the steamer, and some flying fish. These are most peculiar things, having gauze wings like a dragon-fly and sometimes fly a long way. I saw one fly 40 yards. It was about 1 1/2 pounds weight. The waters of the Pacific Ocean seem to abound in living things and living wonders to me. I had the pleasure of being seasick again.” Pico House, Los Angeles, CA, 1891 Source: Wikipedia Englishmen Everywhere Hislop writes from t…

  • The Trip from Los Angeles to Tucson (July 5-13, 1876)

    …egan an arduous trip from Los Angeles to Tucson. The tale told below comes mostly from Hislop’s August 7, 1876 letter to his grandmother, published in An Englishman’s Arizona. The Ranching Letters of Herbert R. Hislop, 1876-1878. Tucson: Overland Press, 1965. Walter Vail had made the trip once before, in 1875. He began to write of his experiences towards the end of the trip. Arrival of the Southern Pacific Railroad in Los Angeles, 1876. Source: Vi…

  • Vail, Hislop, and Harvey 1877-1878

    …iserable three days I never spent in my life it rained and snowed together most of the time which kept us wet to the skin which isn’t very pleasant. Then you have to stand guard over a herd of cattle half the night, and then have to roll up in wet blankets in a puddle of water. This is one of the few luxuries we have in this country, but notwithstanding the exposure I haven It had a cold for the last few months and in fact have never had a bad one…

  • Empire Ranch is Purchased and the Hard Work Begins (August-December 1876)

    …arms with lizards and very pretty some of them are. The things I object to most are snakes but now they will soon lay up for the winter.” The rancher who sold to Vail and Hislop was Henry Kemp who owned a quarter section (160 acres) east of the Empire, along Cienega Creek. Empire Ranch and LCNCA landscape, 2016. Photo by Sally Reichardt September 10-16, 1876 – Indian Troubles Hislop writes (9/23/1876): “The Indians are beginning to be a bit troubl…

  • Banning Vail, 1909-1929

    …through, and he suffered such pain and agony in his…he’d had all the flesh stripped off of his left palm and with getting that and all the broken bones back in shape again and with all the grafting and everything else that he went through, I don’t think that he ever really recovered from that…[Dusty Vail oral history, 1987] Chiricahua Ranches Company stock certificate. Courtesy University of Arizona Special Collections. Sale of the Empire Ranch Fi…

  • Gulf American Corporation Ownership, 1970-1975

    …. ‘I don’t know of anyone in our area who is hauling water yet,’ he said. ‘Most of the people depend on windmills. There’s talk among some of the ranchers… thinking about maybe doing something with the cows, selling or moving them’.” [Arizona Republic, 4/15/1971] Fred Boice, 1960s. ERF archives: B203-17 Arivaca Headquarters Sold by Fred Boice – 1971 “Approximately 3000 acres of the Arivaca Ranch about 60 miles south of Tucson have been sold to Mor…

  • Empire Land & Cattle Company, 1883-1887

    …he Empire Land and Cattle Company was incorporated with Walter Vail owning most of the shares. Walter signed over to the corporation his holdings in the Empire and other recently acquired ranches. The 1884 Pima County Tax Assessment records indicate that the company owned over 2,000 acres of land, 6,000 cattle, 163 horses, 129 bulls, and 12 mules. Nathan Russell Vail, 1883. John Harvey Visits the Total Wreck – 1883 In February John Harvey visited…

  • Chiricahua Ranches Company Ownership, 1928-1951

    …corral, 1933. ERF archives: B206-72. Williams Camp Sold – 1937 The northernmo*]}*st section of the Empire Ranch, known as Williams Camp, was sold. It was located east of Pantano near Mountain View. This area later became known as the Empirita Ranch. Bob Boice (L) and Fred Boice, as kids eating beans during “chuck” break at a roundup at the Empire, 1937. ERF archives B110-01. Pancho and Bob Boice’s Education – 1937 Starting in 1936 Pancho and Bob began