Empire Ranch Foundation

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  • Gulf American Corporation Ownership, 1970-1975

    …the United States by GAC Properties of Arizona as part of a new sales promotion program… the tickets offer an opportunity for visitors to see the company’s Rio Rico development north of Nogales as well as its new project at Empire Ranch when it opens for land sales in early 1971.” [Arizona Daily Star, 6/5/1970] In September the P&Z Commission “The Pima County Planning and Zoning Commission yesterday approved the GAC Properties, Inc., Empire Ranch…

  • Empire Ranch is Purchased and the Hard Work Begins (August-December 1876)

    …1876 – Empire Ranch Expansion Begins Hislop writes (9/23/1876): “We have got another ranch now and 620 sheep on it, we bought the man that owned them out. He was ill with fever and got disgusted so let us have them cheap. We gave him 4/-a head, that is cheap enough and they come in very handy to us as meat and when we can get 50 lbs. of meat for 4/-it is not so bad. I think we shall sell them soon for 9/-apiece so if we do, it will not be a bad t…

  • Banning Vail, 1909-1929

    …he ranch. In April Banning hosted “A wild west show with roping events and other stunts for a number of Tucson men.” [Arizona Daily Star 4/11/1914]. To celebrate their first wedding anniversary, they invited about 30 guests to a house party at the ranch. This became an annual tradition. Dusty Vail Ingram describes the events: “They always had a big do at the ranch on the Fourth of July, because that was Mother and Dad’s anniversary. So they always…

  • The Partners Meet and Prepare to Travel to Arizona (June-July 4, 1876)

    …. Far be it from Grandpa to bother about that! Evidently Uncle Will did a lot of his footwork for him – a lot of mining and things like that, that Grandpa was interested in. Grandpa would put up the money, and then Uncle Will would go out and do it. And then after he had proven up on it, then Grandpa paid him off and he assumed ownership of the property.” Walter L. Vail, age 30, ca. 1882 Vail family home in Plainfield, NJ Introducing Walter L. Vai…

  • Vail, Hislop, and Harvey 1877-1878

    …of horses – so expected to make the trip quickly.” Upon learning of the shooting “My brother Walter immediately saddled a good horse and taking some of his best men with him, started for the scene of the murder. When they arrived, they found their guests of a few hours before dead and riddled with bullets.” The murderers, who were determined to be Mexicans from Sonora, managed to escape across the border, where they were captured in Santa Cruz, So…

  • Vail & Gates, 1888-1909

    …ver in Los Angeles. The ceremony was held at the home of Margaret and Charlotte’s mother, Mary Jane Newhall. Margaret had wanted her mother to move West from New Jersey and sometime in the early 1890s Mary Jane along with Margaret’s two brothers, Isaac and Edward, and sister Charlotte relocated to Los Angeles. Sinclair Oliver had become the confidential secretary to Vail and Gates in 1891. The couple took a honeymoon trip to San Francisco and were…

  • Tour the Cienega Watershed

    …watershed. Start by downloading the TravelStorys.Com App to your phone or other device. Open TravelStory and select “Tour the Cienega Watershed” to save the tour on your phone. Once you’ve download the app and the tour, no Internet access is needed. The tour includes 21 podcast-style stories that will automatically play at the appropriate location using your phone’s GPS. The route loop includes the Gabe Zimmerman Trailhead (in Vail), Las Cienegas…

  • The Search for the Right Ranch (July 14-August 22, 1876)

    …asy work especially when one has to sleep all night in a bad storm with no other protection than a blanket and a saddle for a fellow, all this after a hard days ride with no supper and no chance of getting anything to eat until the middle of the next day with thirty miles between you and grub and the wolves making such a row all night that a fellow couldn’t hear himself say his prayers.” Inset from Pima County, Arizona map by George Roskurge, 1893…

  • Cowboy Festival

    …apparel; artwork; tack and supplies; collectibles; gift certificates for hotel stays or golf play; restaurant gift certificates; instruments; weekend getaways; time spent with well-known artist; baskets filled with goodies; handcrafted items; books; children’s toys; vacation home for a week; professional services, tickets to an entertainment or sporting event; jewelry, edibles – the list goes on and on. Be a Festival Volunteer More than 200 volun…

  • Chiricahua Ranches Company Ownership, 1928-1951

    …of the Tucson Garden Club] were held in the Fiesta Room of the Santa Rita Hotel on Scott Street. Methods of gardening in the desert area have always been a high priority, but during the WWII years the members became very involved in civic projects: bond drives, creating a Patriotic Garden at the Southern Pacific Railway Station and many others.’ [Tucson Garden Club website] WWII Draft Concerns – 1942 On September 16, 1940, the United States instit…